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firmware method

:electric_plug: dp.kinect3 dp.oak
:information_source: signature
firmware { update | version } IDSENSOR [COMPONENT]
:house: values
update | version
update firmware or query version
unique id of sensor
sensor component for firmware
:bulb: examples
firmware version 184123456789F50800
firmware update 184123456789F50800 bootloader

Firmware version query and update for supported sensor devices.

:memo: Network devices may be very slow for all firmware actions.


Versions of firmware on sensors often has user-friendly versions. The format of versions is not consistent across sensor models and often not consistent with standards. For example, Luxonis OAK sensors have versions that look similar to SemVer versions but are not compatible with them.

Use firmware version IDSENSOR to query version information for a given sensor id. When it is supported and available, version information is output on dumpout in the format firmware version IDSENSOR COMPONENT FIRMWARE_TYPE CURRENT_VERSION AVAILABLE UPDATE_VERSION. Multiple lists are sent to dumpout, one for each component. For example:

firmware version 184123456789F50800 bootloader factory-network 0.0.17 update 0.0.26
firmware version 184123456789F50800 imu BNO086 3.9.9 no-update 3.9.9
sensor id unique to the target sensor, e.g. 14442C10C1A1C6D200 or USB\\VID_045E&PID_02C2\\5&1C8A28AD&0&9
sensor component providing version information, e.g. bootloader or imu
model or type of the component, e.g. BNO086 or factory-usb
current firmware version for the component
availability for updating, e.g. update or no-update. Versions are compared. When a newer version is available and it is possible to update to that version, then this field is update.
Available update firmware version for the component


:warning: Firmware updates are at your own risk! :warning:

:warning: You accept all consequences and waive all claims! :warning:

:warning: You may damage or brick your sensor device! :warning:

Some sensors have firmware that can be updated. Start updates for individual components with firmware update IDSENSOR COMPONENT

sensor id unique to the target sensor, e.g. 14442C10C1A1C6D200 or USB\\VID_045E&PID_02C2\\5&1C8A28AD&0&9
sensor component to update, e.g. bootloader or imu

Update process

  1. Get the list of supported sensors with getusbidlist or the id from @idsensor.
  2. Query version information with firmware version IDSENSOR
  3. Inspect the lists sent on dumpout for possible updates
  4. Update individual components with firmware update IDSENSOR COMPONENT
  5. Read messages in the Max console. You must agree to the waiver and e-sign it.
  6. Resend the same command and append the waiver and e-sign in double quotes.
  7. A UI will appear showing progress during the update.
  8. Success or error messages appear in the Max console.
  9. When successfully updated, the message firmware update IDSENSOR COMPONENT 1 is sent on dumpout.