📖 Attribute Reference
Our plugins support a normal compliment of Max and Jitter attributes like
, color
, varname
, etc. They also support additional feature
attributes specific to our plugins.
The dumpout outlet follows normal Max conventions.
Below is a combined list of feature attributes for all our Max plugins. All plugins do not support all feature attributes.
- Attribute documentation pages list supported plugins 🔌 at the top.
- Click a plugin name in this documentation or the navigation menu. The plugin page lists all supported feature attributes.
- Max Inspector lists attributes for any plugin selected in a Max patch.
Use search 🔍 at the top or all below to find tutorials, features, attributes, methods, and more.
- Accel
- Align
- Anim
- Autoexposure
- Autogain
- Autowhitebalance
- Backlight
- Bodyprop
- Brightness
- Colorexposure
- Colorfocal
- Colorfocus
- Colorfov
- Colormap
- Colormapres
- Colortype
- Contrast
- Decodercolor
- Depthconf
- Depthdelay
- Depthfocal
- Depthfov
- Depthfps
- Depthintrinsics
- Depthmap
- Depthmapres
- Depthonlyplayers
- Depthrange
- Depthvis
- Distmeter
- Echocancel
- Elevation
- Exposure
- Face2dpoints
- Face3dmodel
- Facecolors
- Facedll
- Faceprop
- Facerate
- Faces
- Facesuau
- Facesuausmooth
- Flipx
- Floor
- Flooronbang
- Floorout
- Frameinterval
- Gain
- Gamma
- Grammarfile
- Gravrot
- Gravsmooth
- Hardware
- Hue
- Idkinect
- Idsensor
- Imageuntwist
- Indicator
- Irdot
- Iremitter
- Irflood
- Irgamma
- Irmap
- Irmapres
- Irtype
- Kinectdll
- Mlcompute
- Mlcrop
- Mlinput
- Mlmean
- Mlmodel
- Mlscale
- Mlswapch
- Monoexposure
- Mount
- Name
- Nearmode
- Onlyplayers
- Opencl
- Orientformat
- Pipeline
- Playermap
- Pointcloud
- Posconfidence
- Position
- Powerfreq
- Quat
- Register
- Rotate
- Rotatemethod
- Rotatexyz
- Saturation
- Scale
- Seated
- Sensorrate
- Sharpness
- Silenceprecise
- Silencevague
- Skelcolor
- Skelcompute
- Skeldepth
- Skeleton
- Skeletonformat
- Skelmodel
- Smoothing
- Soundinfo
- Soundinfooutput
- Speech
- Speechadapt
- Speechconf
- Speechdll
- Speechlocale
- Sync
- Syncdelay
- Syncmode
- Timestamp
- Transcoder
- Translate
- Type
- Undistort
- Undistortscale
- Unique
- Verbose
- Version
- Whitebalance