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@align attribute

:electric_plug: dp.kinect dp.kinect2 dp.kinect3 dp.oak
:information_source: signature
:house: values
off or 0
no alignment default
depth or 1
align to depth camera
color or 2
align to color camera
:bulb: examples
@align color
@align 0

Align data to the perspective of the depth or color camera. This affects all data: depthmap, colormap, ir, playermap, pointcloud, etc.

  • off: native alignment based on original sensor sources
  • depth: align all data and resolutions to be the same resolution as the depthmap
  • color: align all data and resolutions to be the same resolution as the colormap

:memo: Plugin versions v1.3.20210721 and newer support using string value names like color and off.


:warning: There can be slight artifacts around edges of objects because the two cameras (depth, color) on the sensor can not occupy the same physical place. They have slightly different views causing one camera to see pixels while the other camera can not see those same pixels.

Newer plugins have less artifacts with @depthvis and @onlyplayers filtering, and improvements in sensor manufacturing.

Below are examples of possible artifacts without filtering.

Color black artifacts

Color double artifacts

Depth black artifacts