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@mlinput attribute

🔌dp.kinect3 dp.oak
mlinput Source [Action]...
@mlinput color rgb
@mlinput color grey
@mlinput color bgr resize 256 160
@mlinput color rgb centercrop resize 256 160 int32 nchw

Machine learning input and preprocessing actions. For example, color in RGB format is easy with @mlinput color rgb.

Input sources

color is the only input source supported at this time

Preprocessing actions

Preprocessing is achieved by a series of actions. The actions are applied to the input in the order listed. Actions are described by a series of tokens and values. Some actions are chords; meaning that several tokens and values are combined.

Simple example @mlinput color rgb

  1. get color input from sensor
  2. convert to rgb encoding

Advanced example @mlinput color rgb centercrop resize 256 160 int32 nchw

  1. get color input from sensor
  2. convert to rgb encoding
  3. center crop to match the resize aspect ratio ↙️
  4. resize the center cropped area to 256x160 pixels (1.6 aspect ratio)
  5. convert each component (red, green, blue) to a 32-bit signed integer
  6. convert to an NCHW layout tensor

Actions are applied in the order listed. The advanced example order could be changed to achieve a similar result with @mlinput color rgb int32 centercrop resize 256 160 nchw


Input encoding, fundamental type, normalization, and layout can all be changed.


Choose the encoding you need. More can be added on request.

rgb, rgba, argb, bgr, bgra
variations of channel order for BT.601 full range [0..255]
uyvy, ycbcr
interleaved YCbCr; recommend another encoding due to Max color bugs
single-channel greyscale using BT.601 primaries

Fundamental type

Fundamental type of input values is changed with the following

Optional norm
uint8 or char, float16, float32, float64
No norm
int8, int16, uint16, int32


List norm after the type to enable normalization

uint8 norm, char norm
floating-point 0.0-1.0 to 8-bit unsigned integer 0-255 with (value * 255.0)
float16 norm, float32 norm, float64 norm
8-bit unsigned integer 0-255 to floating-point 0.0-1.0 with (value / 255.0)


Inference models and their underlying engines require specific layouts for each batch of input. Two layouts are supported

number of batch samples, channels, height, width; required for ONNX and often with PyTorch
number of batch samples, height, width, channels; often with TensorFlow

Scalar Math

Scalar math operations can be applied to values. Any combination of these can be used for common operations like substracting the mean, scaling, offset, etc.

add a value to each respective channel, e.g.
(100, 100, 100) add 2 = (102, 100, 100)
(100, 100, 100) add 2 2 = (102, 102, 100)
(100, 100, 100) add 2 2 2 = (102, 102, 102)
subtract a value from each respective channel, e.g.
(100, 100, 100) sub 2 = (98, 100, 100)
(100, 100, 100) sub 2 2 = (98, 98, 100)
(100, 100, 100) sub 2 2 2 = (98, 98, 98)
multiply a value with each respective channel, e.g.
(100, 100, 100) mul 1.5 = (150, 100, 100)
(100, 100, 100) mul 1.5 1.5 = (150, 150, 100)
(100, 100, 100) mul 1.5 1.5 1.5 = (150, 150, 150)
divide a value into each respective channel, e.g. (100, 100, 100) div 2 = (50, 100, 100)
(100, 100, 100) div 2 2 = (50, 50, 100)
(100, 100, 100) div 2 2 2 = (50, 50, 50)



resize DIMENSION will resize input to a given width and height dimension. It may be faster to resize early so that later actions operate on smaller input. The dimension can be two separate numbers or a resolution string like 256x160. All three examples below achieve the same result

  • resize 250 160
  • resize 250.0 160.0
  • resize 250x160


flipx (flip input by columns, rows are same) or flipy (flip input by rows, columns are same) will flip input across rows or columns.

Original flipx flipy
column 1 column 2
1.0 2.0
3.0 4.0
column 1 column 2
2.0 1.0
4.0 3.0
column 1 column 2
3.0 4.0
1.0 2.0


rotate NUMBER will rotate input clockwise in 90 degree-increments, i.e. 0, 90, 180, 270. It does not crop or pad input. If your input is 320x240 then rotate 90 will create input 240x320.

Original rotate 90 rotate 180 rotate 270
1.0 2.0
3.0 4.0
3.0 1.0
4.0 2.0
4.0 3.0
2.0 1.0
2.0 4.0
1.0 3.0


Region of interest

Each crop type supports a region of interest (roi) declared using one of these coordinates

top-left inclusive and bottom-right exclusive corners, e.g. xyxy 200 50 400 150 rectangle has pixels x 200-399 and y 50-149
top-left inclusive and its width and height from that point, e.g. xywh 200 50 200 100 rectangle has pixels x 200-399 and y 50-149
center of roi and its total width and height, e.g. cxywh 300 100 200 100 rectangle has pixels x 200-399 and y 50-149

Crop shapes

Cropping shapes require a resize dimension, roi, or both.

crop ROI
crop/remove input outside required roi, preserves visual aspect ratio; e.g. crop xyxy 200 50 400 150
centercrop [ROI] resize DIMENSION
crop/remove input outside optional roi, then center crop with dimension’s aspect ratio and no padding (looses visual content), then resize to dimension, preserves visual aspect ratio; e.g. centercrop resize 256 160 or centercrop xyxy 200 50 400 150 resize 256 160
padcrop [ROI] resize DIMENSION
crop/remove input outside optional roi, then center crop with dimension’s aspect ratio and padding (retains visual content), then resize to dimension, preserves visual aspect ratio, also known as “letterboxing” or “pillarboxing”; e.g. padcrop resize 256 160 or padcrop xyxy 200 50 400 150 resize 256 160


Plugin versions before v1.3.20240619 used @mlcrop, @mlmean, @mlscale, and @mlswapch to pre-process input. Newer plugins do not support these separate attributes. Use @mlinput for all pre-processing.